As many of our blog followers realize, L-TEC strings have been conceived to give tennis shops, coaches, serious stringers, and schools a game changing product that is unique and highly customizable. The target market for L-TEC strings has NOT been a traditional internet customer. However, curiosity about the strings has run high resulting in a volume of online orders that has truly surprised us. In order to provide this unanticipated audience some additional assistance and support we have updated the Performance/Selection section of the L-TEC web site. We hope this blog entry might provide some additional and useful insights for those wishing to explore the L-TEC offerings. In raw form, especially when installed using the truncated stringing method we suggest, the results will definitely raise some eyebrows and make an impression.
1. Players seeking traditional full-poly playing characteristics similar to the most popular brands with touring professionals with increased feel and extended performance time.
 L-TEC Premium OS 16/L-TEC 4S
L-TEC Premium OS 17/L-TEC 4S (Increased ball speed)
L-TEC Premium OS 16/L-TEC Premium OS 17
L-TEC Premium OS 17/L-TEC Premium OS 18 (More inherent power)
L-TEC Premium OS 16/L-TEC Premium OS 18 (Blend of power and control)
*Note – L-TEC Premium OS Neon offers the same performance characteristics as the L-TEC Premium OS sterling and can be substituted/mixed for visual appeal.
 2. Players putting a premium on spin production.
L-TEC Premium 5S/L-TEC Premium 3S Black
L-TEC Premium 5S/L-TEC Premium 3S (Slightly crisper and lower powered)
L-TEC Premium 5S Black/L-TEC Premium 3S Black (Added comfort and power)
L-TEC Premium 5S/L-TEC Premium 5S Black
 3. High level tournament players and touring professionals.
 L-TEC Premium OS 16/L-TEC Premium 4S
L-TEC Premium OS 16/L-TEC Premium 3S (Slightly greater spin)
L-TEC Premium OS 17/L-TEC Premium 4S (More power)
L-TEC Premium Pro/L-TEC Premium 3S or 4S (More power and comfort)
 4. Players putting a premium on comfort while seeking the desirable performance characteristics of poly strings.
L-TEC Premium 4S/L-TEC Premium Gut
L-TEC Premium 3S Black /L-TEC Premium Gut (Increase in spin)
L-TEC Premium Pro/L-TEC Premium Gut (Greater tension maintenance and durability)
L-TEC Premium 5S Black/L-TEC Premium Gut (Increase in spin, lower durability)
L-TEC Premium Black OS/L-TEC Premium Gut (Increase in power)
*Note – Any of the above hybrids can replace the L-TEC Premium Gut with L-TEC Flex. This reduces control and spin, but also reduces cost while offering a similar level of comfort)
 5. Players seeking performance of full poly with a premium on ball speed.
L-TEC Premium 4S/L-TEC Premium 3S Black
L-TEC Premium 4S/L-TEC Premium OS 18 (Greater ball speed)
L-TEC Premium 5S Black/L-TEC Premium 3S Black (Greater spin)
L-TEC Premium 3S Black/L-TEC Premium Black OS (Speed and spin)
L-TEC Premium 5S Black/L-TEC OS 18 (Solid blend of speed and spin)
General L-TEC hybrid color/construction principles:
 A. Sterling colored poly strings offer professional-level performance/responsiveness and control.
B. Natural colored poly strings offer professional–level performance with an increase in feel.
C. Black colored poly offerings will add comfort and power.
D. Yellow colored poly strings are interchangeable with the sterling colored offerings in terms of overall performance.
E. Round sterling strings in mains yield longest lasting/most durable options.
F. Non-poly offerings are designed to be used as cross strings with poly-based mains. They will increase comfort/enhance feel and add power when combined with poly mains.
Additional L-TEC hybrid insights:Â
If a player enjoys a full ALU or rough setup, s/he is likely to appreciate the performance of L-TEC Premium OS 17 mains with L-TEC Premium 4S crosses.
If a player enjoys a full Blast setup, s/he is likely to enjoy L-TEC Premium 5S Black mains with L-TEC Premium 3S Black crosses.
Youthful players who hit hard and seek spin are likely to enjoy the L-TEC Premium 5S/L-TEC Premium 3S Black setup.
Adult league players of all genders will likely appreciate the L-TEC Premium 4S mains with L-TEC Premium Gut crosses or for those seeking more spin the 3S mains may prove more satisfying.
For a limited time hybrid sets of L-TEC strings are available through Guts and Glory Tennis for a discount of 50%. This should allow those who are interested in experiencing the strings an opportunity to playtest some different combinations. To purchase them at this price level you will need to use the coupon code “L-TEC50” upon checkout.
Fred Levy on said:
64 year old agressive USTA 3.5 player, low tensions, 98 and 100 square heads with Pro Kennex rackets. What LT setup will I use to replace my favorite setup of PMaxx natural gut 17 mains with Weiss Cannon Scorpion crosses at 50/47 and 48/45?
GGTennis on said:
Thanks for posting. The L-TEC line does not offer a true natural gut string nor a synthetic option to be used in place of natural gut in the main. What I can tell you is that we have had very good feedback from players who have used natural gut mains and blended it with L-TEC Premium 4S for the cross string. I would suggest a tension of 47 mains with 43 crosses in this setup using the method of stringing outlined on the L-TEC web site.
If you are seeking the full L-TEC setup that represents a lively stringbed with good power and control I would suggest using the L-TEC Premium 3S Black mains with L-TEC Premium Gut as the cross string. I would suggest a tension of 42 mains/46 crosses for this combination in your frames.
Bryan on said:
Former college player, all-court. Current setup: Wilson BLX Tour 95 strung with Wilson Pro Duo (mains 54, crosses (gut) 52). Also have second racket strung with L-Tec (Main 4s 54, cross Prem Gut, 52). The L-tech feels much firmer, should I lower the tension to get the same playabilty or try a different setup?
Bryan on said:
Sorry, not Pro Duo, Wilson Champions Choice.
GGTennis on said:
Thanks for posting. I believe the L-TEC setup you have chosen will offer you much better playability and longevity than your other setup. However, it is important to remember that L-TEC strings are designed to perform best at lower tensions and when installed using a specific method of stringing. In your particular setup I would probably recommend an initial tension of 46 lbs using the method of installation we describe on the L-TEC pages. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
Gary on said:
Senior (68 yo) USTA 4.0 player using a Wilson Hyper Carbon 2.0 (115) strung with Lux BB @ 50 lbs. I get plenty of power, good spin, but it feels like a brick, and makes my shoulder sore. I have two rackets, just restrung one with Babolat VS @ 55 lbs, might result in too much power. I would like to string the other with a hybrid, based on your guidance I am thinking 3S mains and Premium Gut crosses. I need more spin & comfort, have plenty of power. Is this a good combo, if so, what tension?
GGTennis on said:
Gary –
I am not familiar with the Wilson Hyper Carbon 2.0. Is it the same as the Wilson Hyper Sledge Hammer 2.0? If it is…with the specs of less than 9 oz, RA of 73, Head Heavy and 28″ long, then with all due respect I do not believe there is anything you can do to add comfort. The specs, in terms of potential comfort, are just about as horrible as I have seen. If comfort is your #1 priority, I would suggest demoing some new racquets. Look for specs that include a weight of at least 10oz (more is better), Head light balance, Flex of no more than 65 and standard length – 27″ While the L-TEC Premium 3S Mains with L-TEC Premium gut crosses is a very comfy setup, I have serious doubts whether there is any setup that can add comfort to that frame. I am hoping that your frame is not the one I think it is.
Gary on said:
Yes, it is the same racket. It is quite possibly the lightest, stiffest racket ever made, which drives most people to the exact same conclusions/opinions you have offered. Wilson has a new “Cierzo” racket out that is supposed to appeal to Hyper Sledge Hammer aficianados, but I don’t like the feel. I have played with this racket for many years, only had some mild discomfort recently when I strung it with the Luxilon. Even at 50 lbs, it is way too stiff. As I mentioned, I have one of my rackets being strung as we speak with gut, but would like to try a hybrid setup at a lower tension. While I would like a bit more comfort, I think I can get there with a hybrid bed at lower tension. What I really want is more spin. What I’ve found is that at my level, if I hit the ball harder, it just comes back harder. Spin is what seems to drive my opponents crazy. I already have a decent kick serve, but I’d like more bite.
Korso on said:
I am thinking about using the 5S 17g in the mains and the flex hybrid in the crosses to soften it up. I like textured polys but the stiffness is a bit much for my shoulder. Will this hybrid work out? I am looking for maximum spin with solid comfort. If this hybrid does not sound like a good one what set up should I be using? 4.0-4.5 all court game. Pure Drive Roddick 2012 model.
GGTennis on said:
Korso –
Thank you for visiting our blog and your interest in LTEC strings. It is evident you have been doing some reading/research on the string. Based on your stated criteria, I believe the combination of the L-TEC Premium 5S with the L-TEC Premium FLX will fit nicely. Remember the PD Roddick is an extremely powerful frame. As a result you may be looking at initial tensions a bit higher than we typically go with the string. Perhaps as high as the upper 40’s/low 50’s. What string combination are you currently using? What tension? How is the control for you with your current setup?
Korso on said:
Currently I am using Kirschbaum Evolution 17g 48/46. The control is not bad but at times I will loose the ball swinging out on sitters. I am still adjusting to this raquet. I just made the switch a couple of weeks ago from a Volkl PB10 mid.
GGTennis on said:
That’s quite a power boost in terms of frames. I would probably still try the 5S/FLX setup and use a tension of somewhere in the 48 – 50 range. We recommend using the JET Method of installation.
Korso on said:
I have been working a lot these days so I made the switch for the easy power and forgivness. I will give the set up a go using the Jet method. Thank you for the advice! 🙂