We get many email questions pertaining to issues related to strings, stringing and tennis elbow. Since we get similar questions we thought it might be a good idea to post some of the more common questions using our blog as well as our responses. Our goal is simple. To provide additional information that people with similar questions may find while searching the web.
Q: I am suffering from tennis elbow. I strongly suspected it was due to the luxilon strings my son recommended. After doing a search for tennis elbow I came upon your web site and your article which confirmed my suspicion. I am also using a racquet that is on your list of known racquects to cause te (Head ti.S6). Should I bite the bullet and buy a new racquet or just change the strings? What racquet/strings would you recommend for me? I am: 57, female, rated 3.5, play 3-4 times a week. I am good at the net but need help with my grounds strokes.
A: You are not alone. Many stiff poly-based strings, like Luxilon ALU, in your racquet can be a recipe for tennis elbow. I always suggest that players who are prone to tennis elbow should play with the most arm-friendly equipment they can afford. That goes for strings as well as frames. Recently I published a blog entry where I listed some current frames that I consider to have arm-friendly specifications. http://ggtennis.wordpress.com/2010/04/25/arm-friendly-tennis-racquets/ You might want to check out some of these with a premium multifilament string like WeissCANNON Explosiv!, MSV Soft Touch or natural gut.
Take care of that elbow. Be sure to ice it and get the inflammation down before returning to the court. You have to heal and that process can take several weeks or months depending on the severity of the injury. Playing while inflamed, even with arm-friendly equipment, is not recommended.
Good luck!
RodgerS on said:
I sent an email to try to start an order process for that new string, but have not heard back from you. Rodger 707-567-1594
Adriel Lepretre on said:
HI! Will Weiss Cannon Super Cable Pro string be discontinued? if so, is there a WC string on the way to substitute it?
ggtennis on said:
SuperCable Pro is unfortunately being discontinued. We have inventory remaining. WeissCANNON is selling much more of the 6StarString and that is the string they view as the replacement to the SuperCable Pro.
Hiram on said:
Hi! Question regarding tension for full co-poly string job. I read that you recommend the same tension for the main/cross. I have been using Jaycee’s method using the SW flying clamp but haven’t gotten it quite right. I’ve lower the tension to #44 on a Head Youtek Prestige MP. Can you describe the tension for mains using Jaycee’s method. I read on the crosses to increase the tension by 4 kg on the first 2 and last 2 crosses. The mains is where need some guidance. Also, does he double pull the first 2 mains L1,2, R1,2? Thanks for your help. I really enjoy all the strings that I bought from your company.
ggtennis on said:
Unfortunately I can not publish Jaycee’s technique. If you’d like to know more please call and I will do my best to answer your questions.