A philosophical trip to Paris
We begin the new year by announcing to our friends and customers that after careful consideration and review we have decided to embark upon a philosophical journey to Paris, France. Paris is the home of John Elliot, better know to tennis message board enthusiasts as “JayCeeParis.” John, an accomplished stringer and leader in the development […]
2011 – Join us for more good stuff!
We want to offer a sincere and genuine thanks to our customers for a wonderful 2010. Your ongoing support allows us to continue providing creative and innovative products for you to enjoy. In 2011 we fully expect to carry this tradition forward by promoting and growing our customer base for the many terrific Mauve Sports […]
Much Ado About Knotting
In our local stringing business we attempt to string with one piece whenever possible. Stringing with a single piece of string allows us to complete the job with only needing to use 2 knots. Fewer knots look better and tension loss is minimized. There are exceptions where more that two knots are needed and these […]
Are your poly-based tennis strings shearing at the frame?
We have a theory. Before putting it out there, it needs to be understood this theory was only recently developed and it has not yet been tested. We will ask our blog readers who are stringers to help us test this theory. We constantly read reports and have callers asking us about poly-based strings breaking […]
Tensioning Outer Mains: Raise Tension or Not?
Much has been written and discussed around the issue of whether or not extra tension should be added to the outer mains when stringing. In short there are two camps. Inside camp #1 reside a group of people who believe the outer mains never come in contact with the ball, are the shortest of the […]
Going Rogue in the stringing workshop = “Pillow Top Tri-Brid” â„¢
What you see pictured above is a stringing method that has the potential to shake, rattle and roll modern-day stringing conventions while shattering the accepted two-piece paradigm. At Guts and Glory Tennis, we are “going rogue” in 2010! We call this process the “Pillow-Top Tri -Brid.” â„¢ We are currently concluding playtests. The early feedback […]
Tensioning mains: Variance on accepted practices discovered!
According to the United States Racquet Stringer’s Association, it is acceptable to pull tension 2 – 3 ahead on the main strings. Stringer’s who follow this practice regularly are able to achieve CRT and MRT status. While considered acceptable industry practice, we are not convinced this technique creates the most consistent stringbed possible. As a […]
Stringway Cross Stringing Tool – Some Thoughts and Questions
We have been experimenting with this new and clever tool from Stringway for the past several weeks. The basic purpose of the tool is to assist with installing the cross strings. The tool comes in two sizes, one designed for dense patterned stringbeds and the other for open stringbeds. The build quality of the tools […]
Buy It and Try It!â„¢
We would not have trademarked the name or created a fun logo if this new offer was not something special for our customers. Over the course of the past several months we have been introducing several exciting new string offerings. We have also had a significant increase in the number of private, club and school […]
Gauges – Our guide (The REAL Story)
There is much confusion about the gauges of tennis strings as well as current conventions. This blog entry seeks to clarify the standards used at Guts and Glory Tennis while providing a general overview of current status. First off, the gauge of a tennis string refers to the diameter or thickness of the string. There […]
Reducing and Eliminating Tennis String Movement
Broccoli. A newlywed’s cooking. The swine flu. Serena after a loss. A root canal. Potholes. Jelena on a bad hair day. String movement. The Jimmy Fallon Show. What do each of the above have in common? They are all things that many of us dislike and strive to avoid. While each of us can manage […]
String Stiffness and Tension Loss
In what could very well become our most blasphemous and controversial blog entry to date, we finally respond in a public way to one of the most common questions we receive. “Why doesn’t the USRSA include the MSV and WeissCANNON strings in their annual String Selector Map?” The short and direct response is because we […]
Earlier this year we posted a blog entry suggesting that our method for stringing the Prince “port style” racquets was a superior approach to that used by most stringers. (Click Here for Blog Entry) Above you will find an image of a racquet that came into our shop yesterday. The customer had it strung elsewhere […]
Who’s Stringing Your Prince “Port-Style” Racquet?
Prince tennis has long been an innovator in racquet design. Tennis players throughout the world have flocked to the new design that Prince refers to as O Ports and Speed Ports. What most tennis players do not know is that ALL of the new Prince “port” frames that have ports located on the 3 and […]
What Tension??? Grumble…grumble…grumble…
Normally mild-mannered and benevolent, even the most patient of us have our pressure points. While I truly enjoy helping customers via our blog, message boards, direct email communication and telephone calls, there is one question that makes me grumpy. One question that is difficult to wrestle with. In short, it’s a bear of a question […]
The Quintessential Guide to Copoly Tennis Strings
This is the first part of a series of blog entries designed to share thoughts about the new equipment paradigm that is radically shaping the tennis landscape. There are many myths that need to be addressed and we will attempt to provide a through overview and address many issues, myths and questions concerning these strings. […]
Copoly Hybrids – How to Choose a Cross String
Each week we receive questions from customers seeking advice about hybrid string setups, specifically with poly-based strings. This post seeks to provide a general guide to those who are considering a poly-based hybrid. Generally the first decision to make is whether to use the poly-based strings as the main or the cross. The answer to […]
Fresh Strings = Superior Play
This past weekend was the semi-finals of the MxD playoffs for our local ALTA tennis league. I have a large number of customers who play for two local neighborhood teams that squared off this past Saturday. For grins and giggles I attended and made a curious observation. Let me begin by stating it was fun […]
FREE Racquet Stringing!
For a limited time Guts and Glory Tennis is offering FREE racquet stringing for our local customers. (Yes, restrictions apply…please read on.) You might be saying, “Geez, that does not seem like a very sound business plan.” You’d be incorrect. There is a method behind this madness. As an industry leader in identifying and introducing […]
ImPORTant Prince Stringing Info.
Prince O Port and Speedport Stringing Stringing the new Prince O ports and Speedports has created a variety of headaches and challenges for many home based stringers. It is especially difficult to string these without the use of machine that has a locking turntable. When stringing the crosses, a 50/50 method is an alternative that […]